Saturday, 1 October 2016

Exotic Food

Exotic food is the wackiest,offensive,and bizarre foods like fried spiders,cockroaches,and so much more.Exotic foods are not just animal but also fruits and vegetables.There are few popular places in this world with exotic foods especially Asia such as Philippine,Thailand,China,Malaysia which is in Sarawak and few other countries.There are disadvantage and advantage eating exotic foods

1) Disadvantage eating exotic food.

The disadvantage eating exotic foods is ,it may cause seriouse illness.For example eating dogs,they eat garbage and anything they see which is dirty.Therefore we know it can cause us different types of illness which can be a seriouse illness or not if we eat it.Eating too much of exotic food will affect our health.

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2) Advantage eating exotic food.

Next,the advantage eating exotic foods is,people who enjoys exotic foods are said to have a good appetite and a very good for their health and can heal certain illness such as asthma,scars,rashes ansd so much more.
In Sarawak they believe that animal meats such as snakes,hedgehog,wild boar,and several more animals are delicious and it is good for our inside body.The exotic foods can rarely be found because it is weird and not everyone wants or can even eat it.Based on the research they have made says it is not that weird,wackiest,offensive,bizarre or disgusting to some community.For example durian,us Malaysian loves durian but for other people from other countries find that durian is disgusting because of the smell.

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For people who never eat or know about exotic foods will say it is a very disgusting and unhealthy food to eat.But for a person who usually eats it will deny because it is a normal food for them for example fried bugs are like fried chicken for them.

In conclusion,exotic foods have its own advantages and disadvantages.People may like it or hate it.Not everyone have the same taste ang oipinion about food.Some may like fried and some may like fried cockroches.

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